Logistical and financial challenges prevent pipelines from being constructed in rural areas. Without access to safe drinking water, communities are forced to drink from sources not protected from contamination. This increase the risk of illness and mortality.

Existing Solutions are Not Enough


Over 1000 children die daily from ​WASH-related diseases. ​
​Safe drinking water ends chronic diarrhea and decreases mortality rates.


443 million collective school days are lost yearly to water collection and water-borne illnesses. Clean water access puts children back in school and give them a chance to learn, grow and flourish.

Economic Impact

$260 billion in GDP is lost each
year to water and sanitation
issues. Access to clean water
means healthy individuals can
​spend their time working and
contributing to the​ economy.

Homefilter™ Plus

Whether you deploy by plane, boat or backpack, the lightweight Homefilter™ Plus allows for immediate filtration; no infrastructure needed. Or, for an even faster flow rate, connect it easily to a gravity tank, pipeline or electric pump.



Removes bacteria and viruses without use of chemicals.

One filter can produces up to 1 million litres during its lifespan of at least 2-3 years.

Suitable for homes and community centres


Lightweight, under 5kg

Set-up within 1 minute

High quality water delivered as and when is needed.

Best price

Highest grade of filtration systems with the best price

Can be easily installed with water tanks or piped water systems for automatic operation.

Core Technology

Ultrafiltration Membranes

Patented Hollow Fiber Multibore® Capillary Structure
- Increased stability; reduced risk of fiber breakage
- High filtration efficiency with high flow rate and reduced volume

Enhanced Polyethersulphone Material
-Chemically resistant and can handle a wide range of pH
-Physically robust to handle turbid waters, and backwashing
-Anti-fouling properties due to high hydrophilicity

Community Empowerment

Access to affordable clean water gives society the opportunity to gain control over their lives, rebuild from within, and break the cycle of poverty. Clean water helps communities be their own heroes.

See How Their Lives Have Changed

Wateroam has brought safe drinking water to over 300,000 lives across the globe. Installed in homes, schools, faith institutions and health centres, our filters have provided a source of clean water to improve the life, living and livelihood of communities. Safe drinking water empower communities to thrive and flourish.

“My students used to fall sick because of fever and diarrhea from drinking dirty water, and not anymore now. Wateroam provides great drinking water quality. Students are learning about the importance of clean water. I am so happy that they have stopped spending money to buy water!”

– Volak Veasna, Teacher at Chnnok Tru Primary School

“Seeing the community being able to access clean water, really makes my heart smile. I am happy to do more of this project because I want to see other communities also receive this clean water so they can live a better life ​as well.”

– New Life Foundation Field Staff

Trusted by

Our Products

ROAMfilter™ Plus

Strategically designed for disaster relief, this lightweight and portable water filter can provide clean water anywhere there is a water source.

ROAMfilter™ Ultra

Specifically designed to serve the masses, this water filter provides large-scale assurance at the water distribution point.

Water Test Kits

Our variety of test kits can conduct water quality testing rapidly to identify hazards or confirm safe drinking water according to WHO standards. ​

Learn more from our blogs

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