10 Simple life-saving methods for water purification (Part 1)
In this blog, you will learn the first five simple methods to purify water in rural areas and disaster affected zones, making it safe for consumption and industrial use.
We believe that when we come together, we can truly make a positive global impact. Every contribution takes us another step closer towards a world with clean water for all. |
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In this blog, you will learn the first five simple methods to purify water in rural areas and disaster affected zones, making it safe for consumption and industrial use.
We know that you are thirsty for more, so here are 5 more low-cost water treatment methods that will prove useful in rural areas.
Read this first-hand account to find out how Wateroam filters helped Chhnok Tru villagers obtain safe and clean water from a river burdened with contamination.
Wateroam a social enterprise that develops portable water filtration solutions for homes, disaster zones and rural regions and we provide marginalized communities with safe drinking water. The company was founded in Singapore in 2014 by 3 undergraduates from the National University of Singapore. Since its inception, Wateroam has received many accolades, such as the 2019 ASEAN Business Award, 2019 DBS x SIF Social Impact Prize, the 2018 Facebook Social Entrepreneurship Award as well as being recognized as one of the representatives of the UN SDG Young Leaders for SDG 6 (Water and Sanitation). You can visit Wateroam’s About us page to learn more
When disaster strikes, communities without safe drinking water are victim to water-borne illnesses, extreme dehydration and even death. People around the world fall ill on a regular basis because they still lack a clean source of water.
Your support, pooled with the other contributions, will help us provide safe drinking water and critical aid to marginalized groups. These include children living in disaster zones and families living in rural regions all around the world.
Read more about how your generosity can transform lives
We work closely with our partners to provide customized aid to the local communities. Our team communicates with the local coordinators whom assesses their situation on a case-by-case basis. For our work in Myanmar, we work closely with Safe Water for Every Child – Myanmar to deliver water aid to refugees living in Karen state. Safe Water for Every Child also communicates actively with local agencies such as the KDHW (Karen Department of Health and Welfare) & KESAN (Karen Environmental and Social Action Network) to ensure that aid is equitably distributed to all parties in need.
See more about our partners here
100% of the donation proceeds will go into providing critical aid to the Karen refugees. For a further breakdown of the funds, please refer to How are the funds utilized which provides the campaign breakdown.
You can donate directly to our campaign through the Give Asia portal but if you prefer to do it through wire transfer, please contact us at support@wateroam.com. Our support team will give you further instructions on how to do a direct wire transfer to us. Your contributions will also be reflected on our on-going campaign.
If our campaign goal is met, we will be able to provide more than 20,000 Myanmar refugees with safe drinking water for the first phase of the project. Funds that go into the campaign will provide safe drinking water not just for a month or two but clean water infrastructure that can last for an entire year.
All the funds collected are actively tracked and applied on a rolling-basis; which means that donations collected are constantly accumulated and dispersed to our partners and beneficiaries periodically. All the funds collected are actively tracked by Wateroam and WASH components are delivered as and when milestones are hit. In the case where the final goal is not met before the closure of the campaign, all remaining funds will be utilised to procure necessary water purification devices for our partners and beneficiary.
If we are able to raise funds beyond the campaign goal, the balance would be used for procuring water purification device essential for the second phase of our project which provides safe drinking water to the rural areas of Salween Peace Park.
You can join us as a one-time sponsor or a long-term CSR partner to provide clean water access to the communities across the globe who are battling the water crisis. We’re so thankful to our amazing corporate sponsors who are helping us to bring safe water to those in need.
Read more to learn about our sponsorship partners.
For the Emergency Phase of the project, 75% of the proceeds go into the water purification devices and critical logistic operations required to provide safe drinking water to the villagers. 16% of the funds goes into supporting distribution infrastructure such as water containers, jerry cans and boats required to deliver aid to the refugees living along the Salween River bank. The remaining 9% goes into essential water and sanitation, hygiene (WASH) components such as water test kits, disinfectants, personal protective equipment (PPE) and the hiring of local coordinators for maintenance, monitoring and the evaluation of the safe water programs.